Nasa Satellite's 'Shocking' Space Junk Near-Miss Was Even Closer 

Nasa's TIMED spacecraft and the defunct Russian spy satellite Cosmos 2221 experienced an alarmingly close encounter in orbit, reported

Initial estimates suggested that the two satellites passed within 65 feet (20 meters) of each other.

However, further analysis revealed that the actual distance was even closer, with the satellites coming within a mere 33 feet (10 meters) of one another, according to Nasa deputy administrator Pam Melroy.

In August 2021, the Chinese military satellite Yunhai 1-02 was struck by a piece of space junk, likely a fragment from a Russian Zenit-2 rocket launched in 1996

In addition to active satellites, there are an estimated 36,500 pieces of space junk larger than 4 inches (10 centimeters) and more than 130 million fragments larger than 1 millimeter in Earth's orbit.

Nasa has been working to mitigate the space debris problem over the years, with efforts such as implementing "common-sense practices" like passivating rocket upper stages

However, the agency recognizes the need for further action and has developed an integrated "space sustainability strategy," 

the first part of which was released on the same day as Melroy's presentation.

Near misses like the one involving TIMED are becoming increasingly common as Earth's orbit becomes more congested.

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