Senator Peter Welch Urges President Biden to Withdraw from 2024 Race

Peter Welch, President Biden, 2024 election, Democratic Party, Biden withdrawal, progressive Democrats, political news, Senate Democrats, Biden reelection, Democratic caucus, 2024 presidential race

Senator Peter Welch has become the first Democratic senator to call on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race, citing political peril for Democrats. In a Washington Post op-ed, Welch urged Biden to step aside for the good of the country. This call reflects growing concerns within the Democratic Party about Biden’s re-electability and its impact on down-ballot candidates.


Welch Becomes First Democratic Senator to Call on Biden to Step Aside

Peter Welch, a first-term senator and progressive voice within the Democratic caucus, made headlines on Wednesday by becoming the first Democratic senator to publicly call on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. In a Washington Post op-ed, Welch urged Biden to step aside for the “good of the country,” citing the escalating political peril for Democrats.

This development brings the total number of congressional Democrats calling on Biden to step down to ten. Welch’s announcement comes at a critical juncture, as senior Biden advisers are scheduled to meet with Senate Democrats at a closed-door lunch on Thursday. The meeting, arranged by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, aims to address growing concerns within the Democratic caucus.

Welch’s Op-Ed: A Call for Change

In his op-ed, Welch acknowledged Biden’s decency and dedication to democracy but stressed that the current political climate necessitates a change. He wrote, “We have asked President Biden to do so much for so many for so long. … We need him to put us first, as he has done before. I urge him to do it now.”

Welch has been vocal about his reservations regarding Biden’s position at the top of the ticket, particularly since the president’s poorly received debate performance in June. However, while Welch has now taken the step to publicly call for Biden’s withdrawal, many Senate Democrats have not yet followed suit, although some House Democrats have been increasingly vocal in their calls for Biden to step down.

Biden’s Efforts to Quell Concerns

In response to the growing dissent within his party, President Biden has reached out to numerous congressional leaders and individual lawmakers to mitigate further fallout. Despite these efforts, several senators have indicated that they need to see more from the president or his campaign to be convinced of his viability in the upcoming election. Recent polling data, particularly from critical swing states, shows Biden trending downward, exacerbating concerns about his impact on down-ballot candidates.

The Senate has just one day left before a one-week recess, leaving little time for Democrats to reach a consensus on Biden’s candidacy. Currently, many Senate Democrats appear to be in a state of limbo, uncertain about whether to support Biden’s continued leadership or advocate for a new candidate.

Divided Opinions Within the Senate

While Welch’s call for Biden to step aside marks a significant moment, the Democratic caucus remains divided. Some senators continue to support Biden’s candidacy, hoping that Thursday’s meeting with Biden’s advisers will reassure their colleagues and solidify support for the president.

Historical Context and Political Ramifications

Peter Welch’s public call for President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race is unprecedented in recent political history. Typically, incumbent presidents seeking re-election enjoy broad support from their party. However, the current political climate, characterized by internal party divisions and external electoral pressures, has created a unique scenario.

Biden’s presidency has been marked by significant legislative achievements, including major infrastructure investments and substantial COVID-19 relief packages. Nevertheless, his administration has also faced challenges, such as inflation, supply chain disruptions, and ongoing partisan gridlock. These factors, combined with his declining poll numbers, have fueled concerns about his re-electability.

The Role of Polling and Public Perception

Polling data plays a crucial role in shaping political strategies and perceptions. Recent polls indicate that Biden’s approval ratings have been steadily declining, particularly in key swing states that are critical for securing electoral victory. These trends have prompted concerns among Democrats about Biden’s ability to lead the party to victory in 2024.

Swing states, such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, which were pivotal in Biden’s 2020 victory, show increasing voter dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction is not limited to Biden but extends to broader Democratic policies and leadership. As a result, some Democrats fear that Biden’s continued candidacy could jeopardize not only the presidential race but also down-ballot races crucial for maintaining congressional majorities.

The Strategic Implications of Welch’s Call

Welch’s op-ed represents a strategic shift within the Democratic Party. As a progressive senator, his call for Biden to step aside underscores the growing impatience among progressives who have been advocating for more aggressive policy changes. This faction of the party has been vocal about their desire for new leadership that aligns more closely with their policy priorities, such as climate change, healthcare reform, and economic inequality.

The timing of Welch’s call is also significant. With the midterm elections approaching, Democrats are keenly aware of the need to present a united front and a compelling vision for the future. Internal divisions and public dissent can undermine voter confidence and turnout, which are critical for electoral success.

Potential Successors and Party Unity

If Biden were to heed calls to step aside, the Democratic Party would face the challenge of selecting a new candidate who can unify the party and appeal to a broad electorate. Potential successors include Vice President Kamala Harris, who has her own set of challenges in terms of public perception and approval ratings, as well as other prominent Democrats such as Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, who represent the progressive wing of the party.

The process of selecting a new candidate would require careful navigation to avoid deepening internal divisions. It would also necessitate a robust campaign strategy to quickly build national recognition and support for the new candidate.

The Path Forward

As the Democratic Party grapples with these internal challenges, the path forward remains uncertain. The upcoming closed-door lunch with Biden’s advisers and Senate Democrats will be a critical moment for assessing the president’s support within his party and determining the next steps.

For Biden, the immediate focus will likely be on demonstrating his capability to lead and address the concerns raised by his party members. This may involve strategic policy initiatives, improved communication efforts, and active engagement with key stakeholders.

For the Democratic Party, the priority will be on maintaining unity and developing a clear, cohesive strategy for the 2024 election. This includes addressing the concerns of both progressive and moderate factions, as well as formulating policies that resonate with the broader electorate.


Peter Welch’s call for President Joe Biden to step aside marks a significant moment in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election. It reflects the growing concerns within the Democratic Party about Biden’s re-electability and the broader political implications for the party. As the Democratic caucus navigates these challenges, the upcoming weeks and months will be crucial in shaping the party’s direction and strategy for the future.

The dynamics within the Democratic Party are complex, with various factions advocating for different approaches and leadership. The challenge will be in finding a balance that unifies the party, addresses voter concerns, and presents a compelling vision for the future. Whether Biden continues to lead the ticket or steps aside for a new candidate, the goal remains the same: to secure a victory in 2024 and advance the party’s policy objectives.

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