US and Ukraine to Sign Long-Term Security Pact at G7 Summit

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The US and Ukraine are set to sign a significant long-term security agreement at the G7 summit in Italy. This bilateral pact will outline a decade-long commitment to support Ukraine’s defense, including military training, weapons production cooperation, and intelligence sharing. Learn more about the implications and future prospects of this critical agreement.

security agreement at G7
security agreement at G7

US and Ukraine Expected to Sign Long-Term Security Agreement at G7 Summit

In a significant development, the United States and Ukraine are poised to sign a bilateral security pact on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy on Thursday. The agreement, which has been under negotiation for several months, is expected to outline a path for the long-term security relationship between the two nations. However, its durability could be influenced by future US administrations, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

Key Components of the Agreement

The proposed security agreement is expected to commit the US to a decade-long partnership with Ukraine, focusing on several critical areas:

  • Continued Training of Ukraine’s Armed Forces: The US will provide ongoing training to enhance the capabilities of the Ukrainian military.
  • Cooperation in Weapons and Military Equipment Production: There will be increased collaboration between the two countries in the production of military hardware.
  • Provision of Military Assistance: The US will continue to supply Ukraine with necessary military aid.
  • Intelligence Sharing: The agreement includes commitments to greater sharing of intelligence to bolster Ukraine’s defense strategies.

Despite these significant commitments, the pact will be an “executive agreement,” making it less formal than a treaty. This means that it may not be binding for future US presidents, leaving room for potential changes in policy depending on the political landscape.

Potential Political Implications

Former President Donald Trump, who is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has not clarified whether he would maintain support for Ukraine if he wins in the upcoming election. Trump has previously emphasized the need for European countries to increase their defense spending and suggested that he would encourage Russia to act as it wishes if Europe does not bolster its defense efforts. This stance introduces uncertainty regarding the continuity of US support for Ukraine under a potential Trump administration.

The current agreement does not include a specific monetary pledge for Ukraine’s defense. Instead, an annex will detail how the Biden administration plans to collaborate with Congress to secure the long-term funding necessary to support Ukraine.

Statements from US Officials

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby highlighted the US’s unwavering commitment to Ukraine, stating that this will be evident at the G7 summit. “The US will take bold steps to show Mr. Putin that time is not on his side and that he cannot outlast us, as we support Ukraine’s fight for freedom,” Kirby said.

President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky are scheduled to meet during the summit. The US is expected to announce measures to unlock Russia’s frozen assets to aid in Ukraine’s reconstruction after the war concludes.

Comparison with Other Bilateral Agreements

The US-Ukraine agreement will be the 15th such bilateral security pact that Ukraine has signed with its allies, joining countries like the UK, France, and Germany. These agreements typically include provisions for immediate consultations following any future Russian attacks, aiming to determine the appropriate response. However, none of these bilateral agreements, including the forthcoming US pact, contain a mutual defense clause akin to NATO’s Article V, which obligates member countries to defend each other militarily.

President Zelensky has consistently expressed that while these bilateral commitments are valuable, they are not a replacement for full NATO membership. NATO membership would provide Ukraine with the collective defense guarantees enshrined in Article V, which is a critical aspect of Zelensky’s security strategy for the country.

Recent Developments in US-Ukraine Relations

The US-Ukraine relationship faced challenges late last year and into this year due to debates in Congress over additional funding for Ukraine. President Biden personally apologized to President Zelensky for these delays during a recent meeting in Paris. This apology and the forthcoming agreement signal a rejuvenation of the bilateral relationship.

In a significant policy shift, Biden recently approved Ukraine’s use of US-provided weapons to strike targets within Russia. This decision came after Ukraine had repeatedly requested such permissions, especially as Russian forces launched missile attacks on Kharkiv from across the border.


The anticipated signing of the long-term security agreement between the US and Ukraine at the G7 summit represents a pivotal moment in the bilateral relationship. It underscores the US’s commitment to supporting Ukraine amidst ongoing tensions with Russia. While the agreement sets a solid foundation for future cooperation, its long-term effectiveness will depend on the political landscape in the US and the international community’s response to the evolving security situation in Eastern Europe.

The agreement’s announcement at the G7 summit also highlights the importance of global cooperation in addressing security challenges and supporting nations under threat. As the world watches the developments in Italy, the US and Ukraine’s commitment to a secure and stable future remains a focal point of international diplomacy.

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