7 TikTok users punched in New York within 2 weeks, police say

As the incidents have gained traction online, the New York Police Department said Friday

they have identified seven instances in which TikTok users have posted about being randomly punched in the city.

Two suspects have been arrested so far, but the NYPD said there is no evidence that any of the incidents are related.

Police said there are numerous unprovoked attacks daily in the city, but TikTok has just become a platform for dissemination.

The first of the seven incidents identified by police took place on March 17 when 25-year-old Olivia Brand was punched in the head

according to the NYPD. The video of Brand discussing the incident has garnered 5.3 million views on TikTok.

The second incident took place on March 19 when 30-year-old comic Sarah Suzuki-Harvard was punched on the Lower East Side

In another incident, a 25-year-old woman was slapped on the forehead while in Midtown on March 23, police said

The woman then posted about the attack on TikTok and the post has been viewed nearly 400,000 times

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