How Alvin Bragg Hitched His Fate to Trump’s 

Bragg displayed passion only once, in response to a question about why he brought a hush-money case after his predecessor and federal prosecutors had not.

This is the business capital of the world,” Bragg said, his voice rising

True and accurate record-keeping. It’s hardly the stuff of history books. But a year later, it is this paperwork case

that will in the coming days make history as Trump’s first criminal trial, and perhaps the only one before the election in November.

Hardly anyone figured that it would play out this way. Bragg himself had said that “broader justice may warrant another case going first.

a Harvard-trained prosecutor who has often appeared to be a most uncomfortable

: In the days before the 2016 election, Trump’s personal attorney and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, paid $130,000 in hush money to the adult-film star Stormy Daniels.

On its own, falsifying those documents would be misdemeanors, relatively minor crimes.

Bragg elevated each of the charges to felonies by arguing that they were committed to hide or further another crime

He’s just so not political. He’s like, not a hyperpartisan political person in any way, shape or form. So there’s just this dissonance.”

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