Discovery of 'Hobbit' Fossils in Indonesia Sheds Light on Human Evolution

The discovery of 'Hobbit' fossils, scientifically known as Homo floresiensis, in Indonesia has provided fascinating

The fossils were found in the Liang Bua cave on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003.

This site has become crucial for understanding early human diversity.

Homo floresiensis, nicknamed 'Hobbit' due to its small stature, had a height of approximately 3.5 feet.

This species exhibited both primitive and modern traits.

The skeletal remains included a nearly complete skull and other bones, providing valuable information about the species' physical structure and lifestyle.

Despite their small size, the 'Hobbits' had a brain size roughly one-third of modern humans.

The discovery of Homo floresiensis has challenged existing theories about human evolution

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