Google Podcasts Is Gone, Here’s How to Transfer Your Subscriptions

Google’s Podcasts app is the latest addition to the company’s software graveyard

YouTube Music is replacing it, and users have until July to migrate their shows.

Podcast experiences can be improved for users in a way that I think Google Podcasts would never really be able to deliver.”

After launching the app in 2018, the company wound down Google Podcasts on April 2.

YouTube Music will serve as Google’s new home for podcast listening.

McLendon is eyeing a future where algorithmic discovery and video podcast clips are more central to the user experience

if you decide against YouTube Music and you want to leave Google’s podcast ecosystem entirely

when you arrive at the YouTube Music export option, find the secondary option labeled Export for another app and press Download.

The migration process from Google Podcasts to Pocket Casts is a little trickier but still doable

Now five years later, he described making further long-term improvements, like being able to walk for consistent intervals.

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