Kenya Dominates 2024 Los Angeles Marathon
Highlight Dominic Ngeno winning the men's race and Stacy Ndiwa winning the women's race, including their times.
Detail on the close finish between Dominic Ngeno and Cosmas Kiplimo, and the runner-up for the women’s race, Volha Mazuronak.
Profile Makena Morley as the top U.S. finisher in the women's race, including her personal record time.
Mention the 95 legacy runners and the Golden Stars along the course as a tribute to them.
Describe the special tribute to the late Los Angeles Councilman Tom LaBonge, including the Golden Star and the Tom LaBonge Mile.
Highlight the involvement of over 3,500 runners from Students Run LA and their role in the marathon.
Discuss the $3 million raised for 92 charity partners, with a focus on the premier charities like Angel City Pit Bulls and Team World Vision.
Introduce first-time featured charities like the Neighborhood Nip Foundation and Empowering Leadership in Latina Athletes, and their missions.
Summarize the event’s success, the community involvement, and look ahead to the future of the LA Marathon.