Mediterranean staple may lower your risk of death from dementia, study finds

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A daily spoonful of olive oil could lower your risk of dying from dementia, according to a new study by Harvard scientists.

For more than 92,000 adults observed over 28 years, consuming at least 7 grams — a bit over half a tablespoon

olive oil daily was linked with a 28% lower risk of dementia-related death, compared with those who never or rarely ate olive oil, found the study published Monday in the journal JAMA Network Open. 📷

The study is the peer-reviewed and finalized version of an abstract — early research the authors presented in July 2023 at the American Society for Nutrition’s annual meeting.

the authors’ knowledge, it was also the first to investigate whether the Mediterranean diet staple is linked with risk of death from the disease.

The former study investigated risk factors for major chronic diseases among women in North America, while the latter is looking into the same topics but for men.

The authors of the latest study assessed participants’ diets every four years via a questionnaire and the Alternative Healthy Eating Index

Participants with the APOE e4 gene — the strongest known genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease

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