NASA, European Space Agency Unite to Land Europe’s Rover on Mars

NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) announced Thursday they signed an agreement to expand NASA’s work on the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover

the NASA Launch Services Program will procure a U.S. commercial launch provider for the Rosalind Franklin rover.

“The Rosalind Franklin rover’s unique drilling capabilities and onboard samples laboratory have outstanding scientific value for humanity’s search for evidence of past life on Mars,”

Through an existing, separate partnership with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the French space agency CNES

The Rosalind Franklin rover mission complements the Mars Sample Return multi-mission campaign led by both agencies.

the Energy Department for the use of lightweight radioisotope heater units for the rover.

NASA is contributing key components to the Rosalind Franklin rover’s primary science instrument,

the strong partnership between the United States and Europe to explore the unknown in our solar system and beyond.”

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