SpaceX launching 21 Starlink satellites from California on April 6

SpaceX is set to launch 21 more of its Starlink broadband satellites on Saturday night (April 6) from California.

A Falcon 9 rocket carrying 21 of SpaceX's Starlink spacecraft — including six that can beam service directly to cell phones

SpaceX will stream the launch via its X account, beginning about five minutes before the window opens.

The Falcon 9's first stage will come back to Earth for a vertical landing about eight minutes after liftoff

if all goes according to plan. It will touch down on the droneship Of Course I Still Love You, which will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean.

The Falcon 9's upper stage, meanwhile, will continue hauling the 21 Starlink satellites to low Earth orbit

Two-thirds of the 33 orbital missions that SpaceX has launched so far

Tonight's liftoff will be the second Starlink launch in two days, if all goes to plan: SpaceX launched 23 of the broadband craft early Friday morning

SpaceX had been planning to launch the 21 Starlink satellites from Vandenberg on Friday night but canceled that attempt due to bad weather.

It will touch down on the droneship Of Course I Still Love You, which will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean.

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