Iran president warns of 'massive' response if Israel launches 'tiniest invasion'

President Ebrahim Raisi spoke Wednesday at an annual army parade that was moved to a barracks north of the capital, Tehran, from its usual venue

Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel over the weekend in response to an apparent Israeli strike on Iran’s embassy compound in Syria on April 1 that killed 12 people

Israel, with help from the United States, the United Kingdom, neighboring Jordan and other nations, successfully intercepted nearly all the missiles and drones.

Tensions in the region have increased since the start of the latest Israel-Hamas war on Oct. 7, when Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two militant groups backed by Iran

carried out a cross-border attack that killed 1,200 people in Israel and kidnapped 250 others.

Israel responded with an offensive in Gaza that has caused widespread devastation and killed more than 33,800 people, according to local health officials.

Netanyahu brushes off calls for restraint, saying Israel will decide how to respond to Iran’s attack.

Lebanon says Israeli agents likely killed Hezbollah-linked currency exchanger near Beirut.

The G7 eyes targeted sanctions on Iran and a message of restraint as ministers meet in Italy.

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