EU Commission Prepares for Blockchain and AI Integration: EUBOF Report Highlights Key Innovations

EU Commission, blockchain integration, AI integration, European Blockchain Observatory and Forum, EUBOF report, decentralized AI, DeFi, EuroHPC, AI supercomputers, blockchain technology, AI in healthcare, AI in finance

Discover how the European Union is gearing up for the integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) to drive innovation and efficiency across various sectors. Learn about the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum’s (EUBOF) key recommendations and the EU’s plans to enhance AI development through the EuroHPC initiative.

EU Commission Prepares for Blockchain and AI Integration
EU Commission Prepares for Blockchain and AI Integration

The European Union (EU) has been advised to prepare for the convergence of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI), a development that holds significant potential for innovation and efficiency across various sectors. This recommendation comes from the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum (EUBOF), an initiative of the European Commission, which has been closely monitoring and analyzing blockchain developments across Europe. On May 24, EUBOF published a comprehensive report that underscores the potential of integrating blockchain with AI.

The Convergence of Blockchain and AI

The EUBOF report highlights a strong trend towards the convergence of blockchain technology and AI. This integration is poised to revolutionize sectors where data security is crucial, such as healthcare and finance. Blockchain’s ability to securely store sensitive AI data sets can enhance privacy and security, which is paramount in these industries. By leveraging blockchain’s decentralized nature, AI networks can be made more secure and transparent, thus fostering greater trust and reliability in AI-driven processes.

In healthcare, for instance, blockchain can ensure that patient data is securely stored and accessed only by authorized personnel, while AI can analyze this data to provide personalized treatment plans and predictive analytics. In finance, blockchain can provide a tamper-proof ledger for transactions, while AI algorithms can detect fraud and automate trading strategies. The synergy between these technologies can thus lead to more robust and efficient systems.

Decentralized AI Networks

One of the most significant advantages of integrating blockchain with AI is the creation of decentralized AI networks. These networks can operate without a central authority, making them more resilient to attacks and failures. Decentralized AI can democratize access to AI capabilities, allowing smaller entities to compete with larger organizations. This can lead to a more level playing field and foster innovation across various sectors.

The EUBOF report also points to the growth of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, which relies heavily on blockchain technology. DeFi applications can benefit from AI by incorporating machine learning algorithms to optimize financial strategies and enhance security measures. The convergence of blockchain and AI in DeFi can lead to the development of more sophisticated and secure financial products.

Recommendations for the European Commission

In light of these developments, the EUBOF has made several recommendations to the European Commission. Firstly, it suggests that the EU should act as a global knowledge hub for blockchain, facilitating research and development in this field. Strengthening engagement with various stakeholders, including industry leaders, academics, and policymakers, is also crucial to drive innovation and address emerging challenges.

Moreover, the EUBOF recommends addressing issues arising from new innovations, such as regulatory concerns and interoperability challenges. The EU should work towards creating a regulatory framework that encourages innovation while ensuring security and compliance. Interoperability standards should also be developed to ensure that different blockchain platforms and AI systems can work seamlessly together.

EuroHPC and AI Supercomputers

Concurrent with the EUBOF’s report, the EU announced plans to amend the current regulation governing the European High Performing Computer Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC). This amendment aims to enhance the use of supercomputers for AI development, further supporting the integration of blockchain and AI.

EuroHPC manages nine supercomputers across Europe, which have been developed since the initiative’s inception. The proposed amendment includes the creation of new AI factories, which will enhance the EU’s capacity for AI research and development. Under the new regulation, hosting entities can receive up to 50% of the acquisition and operational costs of AI supercomputers from the EU. After five years of acceptance testing, ownership of these machines can be transferred to the hosting entities, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment for AI advancements.

Willy Borsus, vice-president of Wallonia and minister for economy, research, and innovation, emphasized the importance of these changes. He highlighted that the new regulation would provide the necessary resources and support for hosting entities, enabling them to leverage AI supercomputers effectively.


The convergence of blockchain and AI presents a significant opportunity for innovation and efficiency in various sectors. The European Blockchain Observatory and Forum’s report underscores the potential of this integration and provides valuable recommendations for the European Commission. By acting as a global knowledge hub, strengthening stakeholder engagement, and addressing regulatory and interoperability challenges, the EU can position itself at the forefront of blockchain and AI integration.

The amendment to the EuroHPC regulation further supports this mission by enhancing the EU’s capacity for AI research and development. With these steps, the EU is well-positioned to harness the benefits of blockchain and AI, driving innovation and ensuring security and efficiency in critical sectors such as healthcare and finance.

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