Hyundai Ioniq 5: First US-Built EV to Qualify for $7,500 Tax Credit

Hyundai Ioniq 5, US-built EV, electric vehicle tax credit, Hyundai Georgia plant, EV production, federal EV tax credit, North American Charging Standard, NACS, CCS ports, Hyundai EV, sustainable transportation, EV market

Discover how Hyundai’s Ioniq 5, the first US-built EV from their new Georgia plant, is set to revolutionize the market. Learn about its eligibility for the $7,500 federal EV tax credit, battery sourcing strategies, and the future of EV charging standards.

Hyundai Ioniq 5
Hyundai Ioniq 5

Hyundai is set to make a significant mark in the electric vehicle (EV) market with the launch of its first US-built EV, the Ioniq 5. This move is not just a step forward for the company in terms of production but also a strategic play to make the most of the federal EV tax credit available to US-made vehicles. The Ioniq 5 will be produced at Hyundai’s new factory in Georgia, beginning in October, and is expected to be eligible for the full $7,500 federal EV tax credit, a benefit that the South Korea-made version currently does not qualify for except through a leasing loophole.

Hyundai’s Georgia Plant and Battery Sourcing

Hyundai’s decision to start manufacturing the Ioniq 5 in the US is a strategic one, aimed at boosting its presence in the burgeoning EV market while making its vehicles more financially attractive to American consumers. The production will commence in October 2024, but the batteries for these vehicles will not be produced locally immediately. According to Automotive News, it will take about a year before Hyundai begins battery production at the Georgia plant. In the interim, the batteries will be sourced from a factory in Hungary, operated by Hyundai’s partner SK On.

This initial reliance on imported batteries underscores the complexities and logistics involved in EV production. However, Hyundai’s long-term plan to produce batteries domestically aligns with broader industry trends and regulatory pushes to localize supply chains, especially for critical components like batteries. This move is expected to enhance the overall value chain efficiency and potentially lower costs in the future.

Federal EV Tax Credit and Consumer Benefits

One of the most significant advantages of producing the Ioniq 5 in the US is the vehicle’s eligibility for the federal EV tax credit. The full $7,500 tax credit can significantly lower the effective purchase price for consumers, making the Ioniq 5 a more competitive option in the EV market. This tax credit is part of the broader federal initiative to promote the adoption of electric vehicles and reduce the nation’s carbon footprint.

The availability of this tax credit is crucial as it directly impacts consumer decisions. For many buyers, the tax credit makes the difference between choosing an EV over a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle. Hyundai’s move to ensure its US-made Ioniq 5 qualifies for this credit is a calculated effort to increase its market share in the highly competitive EV segment.

Charging Standards and Future-Proofing

Another critical aspect of Hyundai’s strategy involves the charging standard used by the Ioniq 5. There is some uncertainty regarding whether the first batch of US-made Ioniq 5s will use the North American Charging Standard (NACS) or the Combined Charging System (CCS). The NACS has quickly become the preferred standard for major US EV automakers, primarily due to Tesla’s influence and the widespread availability of its Supercharger network.

Hyundai announced in October last year that its cars would gain access to Tesla’s Supercharger network by the fourth quarter of 2024. Moreover, starting in this period, all new or refreshed Hyundai EVs will come equipped with NACS charging ports. However, the timeline for this transition is broad, covering from October to December. This leaves room for some of the first Ioniq 5s produced at the Georgia plant to possibly come with CCS ports instead.

This transition period presents a challenge for Hyundai, as it needs to balance the immediate production requirements with future-proofing its vehicles to align with industry standards. Ensuring that the Ioniq 5 is compatible with the widely preferred NACS from the outset would provide a significant convenience to consumers and align with broader industry trends.

The Broader Impact of Hyundai’s US Production

Hyundai’s move to produce the Ioniq 5 in the US represents more than just a strategic business decision; it is part of a broader trend of automakers localizing production to meet regulatory requirements and consumer expectations. By establishing a production base in Georgia, Hyundai is not only creating jobs and contributing to the local economy but also positioning itself as a key player in the US EV market.

This production shift is also indicative of the evolving dynamics in the global automotive industry. With increasing pressure to reduce carbon emissions and transition to sustainable energy sources, automakers are investing heavily in EV production and infrastructure. Hyundai’s investment in the Georgia plant is part of this larger movement, signaling its commitment to sustainable practices and innovation.

Challenges and Future Prospects

While the launch of the Ioniq 5 production in the US is a significant milestone for Hyundai, it is not without challenges. The initial reliance on imported batteries is a temporary solution that underscores the complexities of establishing a fully integrated production line. Additionally, the uncertainty around the charging standard for the first batch of US-made Ioniq 5s could create some initial confusion among consumers.

However, these challenges are part of the growing pains associated with such a significant shift in production strategy. Hyundai’s long-term vision, which includes local battery production and alignment with industry-standard charging systems, demonstrates its commitment to overcoming these hurdles.

In the grand scheme, Hyundai’s efforts to produce the Ioniq 5 in the US and ensure its eligibility for the federal tax credit are steps towards solidifying its position in the competitive EV market. By making strategic investments in local production and aligning with consumer incentives, Hyundai is poised to capture a significant share of the market, offering consumers a compelling and cost-effective EV option.


The Hyundai Ioniq 5’s production at the new Georgia plant marks a pivotal moment for Hyundai as it navigates the evolving landscape of the automotive industry. With the promise of the full $7,500 federal EV tax credit, the Ioniq 5 becomes an even more attractive option for consumers, positioning Hyundai to significantly increase its market share. The strategic decisions surrounding battery sourcing and charging standards will play a crucial role in the success of this venture. As Hyundai continues to adapt and innovate, its commitment to sustainability and consumer satisfaction remains at the forefront, driving its journey towards becoming a leading player in the global EV market.

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